Welcome to my academic and personal webpage. I am a post-doctoral researcher in Applied Mathematics at University of Strasbourg (France) in the team led by Philippe Helluy.
Previously, I have been a PhD student in Applied Mathematics at Ecole polytechnique (France) under the supervision of Marc Massot, co-advised by Benjamin Graille. You can find my PhD dissertation entitled "Numerical analysis of lattice Boltzmann schemes : from fundamental issues to efficient and accurate adaptive methods" on this page.
My research focuses on adaptive multi-resolution strategies applied to lattice Boltzmann solvers, numerical analysis (consistency, convergence, and stability) of lattice Boltzmann schemes and the development and analysis of high-order kinetic schemes. More information in Research.
You can contact me writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or using either ResearchGate or GitHub. My ORCID is https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4139-075X
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